Radio show

I was trying to play around with the idea of those old radio shows and how you could write a story using only dialog and a couple sound effects. I thought about putting the tone of the conversation in like, “said in frightened voice” or “speaking timidly” but the thought of all those adverbs made me sick so I tried to color code the voices instead. Here are the results. Sorry if it still sucks.

One Scary Mother by Talyn Marie-

“Hello…” timid voice


“Are you um… Kat999?”

“I must be. I’m wearing a Red shirt right?”

“Whew!” Pause, “ You don’t know how happy I am you are not some 70 year old dude! I mean, I really thought I get here and a bunch of camera lights would fill my face for some new prank show or something.”

“You look just the way I expected… beautiful. Have a seat”

“Thank you.”

“Do you want a drink?”

“Oh yeah, that would be great. I still can’t believe I am actually here. I’m a little nervous… Oh and you look great too. Sorry. I hope you don’t think I was being rude. I’m just… well I don’t go out much anymore and I am nervous. You look nice in Red. ”

“Thank you.”

“Would you like something from the bar miss?”

“Oh um… well what are you having?”

“She’ll have Makers Mark. On the rocks.”

“Very good. I’ll be back with that shortly.”

“Makers? As in hard liquor? Are you trying to get me drunk?” chuckle, “I already told you I’m not that kind of girl?”

“Yeah, but you can’t blame a girl for trying. It’s bourbon. Don’t worry about it. Just let the ice melt and sip it. You should be ok. Besides, do you expect me to take advantage of you?”

“I don’t know what I expect…”

“How about what you want?”

Nervous giggle

“Here is your drink mam”

“Oh, it’s actually for her.”

Glass sliding on table sound

“Here you go… cheers.”

“Oh, thank you. Um sir, before you leave… can  I also get a glass of water? I probably should have asked earlier and saved you the trip…?

“No problem. I’ll have that right up.”

“Water… oh common. I thought we were here to have fun.”

“I’ll drink it with my bourbon. I just want to take it easy. What’s the big deal?”


“I like the music Kat999. Is that why you chose this bar?”

“Something like that.”

“Is this a…a…?”

Smirking laugh,

“No, it’s not. It’s just a regular bar. We do go to those once in a while but only to lure young impressionable girls to their doom.”

Nervous laugh,  “Look, I told you I was nervous. It’s just that I’ve”

“I know, I know, you’ve never done this before.”

“Do you want me to leave?”

“Hell no, I’m enjoying myself. Aren’t you?”

“Yeah, it’s just that I don’t want to give you false hope or anything. I just really like talking to you.”

“Well then, let’s talk.”

“Ok…So…What does Kat999 stand for?”

“The Kat is my name…”

“I knew it! Is it short for Katrina or something?”

“No. Just Kat.”

“Was your mom like some crazy cat women or something?”

Chuckling, “Yeah, something like that.”

“What’s with the 999? Is that like an address or the number of chick’s you’ve banged or something?”

“No. It’s just a play on my evil side… you know 666 upside down. With a name like Kat your pretty much guaranteed not to get your name for your handle so I just added the numbers on when I set up my profile. What about your handle? How exactly can someone be an InnocentBadGirl anyway?”

“Oh that. That’s a long story.”

“I got time.”

“So, now that you’ve seen my face. What do you think?”

“Change of subject huh? Ok, I get you…I already told you, I think you’re beautiful.”

“Do I look like anyone you know or may have seen somewhere?”

“I know who you are.”

Sharp inhalation, “You do?”

“You’re the girl I’ve been messaging with for nearly two years.”

“Oh… yeah.”

“You seem disappointed. Did you want me to recognize you? Are you a celebrity or something?”

“Something like that…”

“Well… I’m glad you’re here.  How’s your drink?”

“See the thing is, I have this past and it’s not so good. Not that I did anything wrong, it’s just something I was associated with… it wasn’t me but it had something to do with me so now I don’t go out much because people tend to recognize me and I have a hard time meeting new people and I wanted to  meet you but I was afraid maybe you were someone from the press trying to get to me so I…”

“Hey,…” pause, “I am not from the press and I am not here for any other reason than you, OK? My only goal was to meet you… the person I have been speaking to online… that’s it.”

Sigh of relief,

“Ok… sorry… let’s try this again. My name is Hailey. It’s nice to finally meet you in person.”

Hello Hailey. It’s really nice to finally meet you too. Cheers”

“Man you really are trying to get me drunk aren’t you?”

Flirtatious laughter.

“No, I just want us to move faster than this.”


“My God, you weren’t kidding when you said you were direct. My grandma, what big eyes you have!”

“You never answered me. How’s your drink?”

Sipping sounds

“It’s good. But don’t get too ahead of yourself. You are going to have to wine and dine me pretty lady.”

Playful giggles.

“So you’re telling me you’re an old fashion girl with old fashion values?”

“I wouldn’t go that far.”

“Then let me make a bet… I’ll bet that by the time you finish that drink, I can convince you to go out into a dark alleyway on a moonlit night for a little wrestle with the big bad wolf.”



“Common…are you going to take the bait?”

“I think you’re getting your cautionary children’s fairy tales mixed up.”

“Do we have a deal?”

“What do I get if you win?”

“You get to see the wolf take off her costume of course.”

“And if I win?”

“I promise never to try to take you to a private darkened alley ever again.”

“It sounds like I lose either way.”

Table creeking,

 “See…It’s working already”

Sipping sounds, Ice clinking in glass sounds,

“You better get started, my drink is almost gone.”

Table creeks back


“What are you waiting for? My drink is almost gone. You’re gonna miss your chance.”

“I’m thinking….give it a minute.”

“Take all the time you want…”

Silence… music in the background.

“Why do people recognize you?”


Snapping fingers,

Hey Hailey! Why do you think people recognize you?”

“Oh sorry. I feel  a little dizzy but in a good way. This drink is really good.”

“I know sweetheart. You want to tell me why people recognize you now?”

“It’s because I once did something… no wait… they once thought I did something… something bad… hey, I don wanna talk abou that not if you wanna git in my panz….”

“Did you do it?”

Whispers, “I don wanna talk abou tha now. Shood I finsh my drink?”

“Yeah, go ahead. We’re almost done here anyway. Did you do this something bad?”

“I was acquididid… ackuid-dye-dod…”

“Acquitted, yeah I know. But you and I, we both know better Hailey, don’t we?”

Sloshing…glass breaking

“Sorry about that… sorry. My girlfriends had a little too much to drink. I’m just going to get her out of here…”

“Heyyyy… Im not ur girlfren…”

“What about your tab?”

“I left the cash on the table. You can keep the change.”

“Are you sure? That’s a lot of money.”

“Yeah just… Look is there a back door we can use so she doesn’t embarrass me more? I think she’s going to be sick next.”

“Yeah yeah, through here, common hurry.”


“No problem.”

“Whay… Wha… No this isn wha’s spossed to…”

Door screeches open

“Just a minute longer babe…”

Door slams shut. Thud. Shuffling sounds.


Grunting sound.

Slapping sound.

“Wake up! Wake up, you Bitch!”

Slapping sound

“I want you awake for this.”

“Wha… What is that!”

“It’s Duct tape you numb cunt. You of all people should recognize Duct tape.

Ripping sounds

… See,  I learned something from you…”

“Whas wrong with my arms…I cand move.”

Tearing sounds.

“I learned that as long as you can keep them from finding the body right away, as long as you let that person rot somewhere alone for years…ugh…the evidence just gets washed away….”

More tearing sounds.

“Then you can say it was an accident,”

more ripping sounds,

“and even though the whole world knows you are lying…”

panting breath,

“ even though we can all see it staring back at us from your eyes…”

Frightful breathing,

Weak moaning,

“Helb… someone helb…”

Labored movement grunts and sounds.

“Even though we all saw the proof on TV… that all you wanted was to be free of her to party, and suck dicks, and run wild…”

“pleeze… stop! I’ll give you anysing…”

Panicked sobbing sound.

“…then you can get away with murder…”

Strenuous breathing. Grunting.

“You can stand there in court looking all innocent even though the whole damn world watching you know your guilty, use some jackass circus performer of a lawyer, and get…. away… with… murder!”

Hands shuffling sounds

“So you see,Heavy breathing, “I’m not worried about being caught…”

“Pleeezzze…” sobbing sounds, “pleeezee don”

More tape ripping sounds. Pressing sounds.


slight scrambling sounds.

“If they ever do find me…or you for that matter…”

More labored movement sounds

“We had a fantasy on-line relationship…nothing serious. Just for fun really, but when we met you got wasted and took off…I went home and forgot the whole silly business…”

Metal creaking sounds

It’s not like I was ever in any other trouble after all. And besides… it was all pretend anyway… hell, neither of us is even gay… it was just a goof.”

Strenuous breathing. Shuffling and Grunting sounds.

Just because I was the last one to see you… umph… to hold you… upsi-daisy… that can’t make me your murderer right? It was an accident…”

Thud sound.

“Prove it wasn’t!”

Another Thud sound

“That trunk nice and cozy you cunt?”


“What’s that?”


“Are you trying to ask me why? Are you really screaming why?”


“Well, I’m not gay. You probably guessed that although if I was, I wouldn’t want to screw a piece of shit like you so  I still can’t believe you actually fell for that setup…but I guess you were lonely so I’ll give you that one.”

Gravel shifting under feet sounds.

“I can tell you though, I knew you were guilty. I knew it the minute you looked at the camera. I waited for justice with the rest of the world and it never came. So you want to know why you’re taped up and on your way to a slow death like the one you gave your little girl?”

Sobbing sounds. Muffled screams.

Trunk slamming sound. Gravel crunching. 

“Because I’m a mother, you bitch!”

Whistling tune heard as well as car door creeks open and slams shut. 

Car starting sound drowns out muffled screams and then car sounds  fade away…

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My new EYE phone

Not sure yet where I am going to go with this one…


“Your new phone is installed Mrs. Wellworth,” the technician’s voice was clear and pleasant. Jane’s eyes fluttered open. She was expecting pain but there was none. She had a moment of dizziness as she looked through her new eyes and observed the world through a lens that now carried options in the peripherals. They drew her gaze like an eyelash stuck in the corner of her eyes.

“Now it’s normal that your body may take some time to adjust. You may feel an itching or tingling sensation from time to time.” the tech explained. “As stated in your training program, we recommend no driving or operating heavy equipment for at least two weeks. You may also want to refrain from high sensory input such as extreme sports or crowded areas for a short period. If you hear any persistent ringing in your ears, come back in to see us. Do you have someone to drive you home?”

“My husband is coming but I’m sure he is not here yet.” Jane went to look at her watch and realized it was unnecessary. The time was right there in the bottom left of her vision. “We didn’t think it would be so fast.”

“You can wait as long as you like in our lounge. One of our sales team can assist you if you need any help.” She pointed toward the partition wall and the door that led to the main floor. The girl was polite but obviously ready to move on to the next customer. Her lab coat made her look like a person of medicine but her job was a numbers game that ran on commission.

Jane stood, swayed, and then walked slowly out to the atrium. She knew certain apps came automatically downloaded including one called, “Wall to Wallpaper”. She twitched her vision to her left and focused on the playbook icon. Although she could see through the options, she still felt a wave of vertigo at the duel images sent to her brain and sat quickly in the nearest chair. She opened Wall to Wall and clicked/focused on the first icon she saw. Its title was Japanese Garden. She watched the small spinning rainbow wheel for a second or two and then her breath caught.

The entire room lit up from the bright outdoor sun. The customers, who had previously been sitting in orange plastic on metal chairs, now rested on thick wooden benches.  At the farthest end of the room, a waterfall cascaded in silent awe, churning the water below it into thick foam before it flowed out through the room. Cherry Blossoms swayed in a breeze that Jane could neither feel nor hear. One of the sales reps walked by and even as she crossed the river flowing through the center of the floor, a tiny bridge began to form in front of her feet making the illusion more real than ever.

The sales clerk looked Jane’s way.  “New to I-Vision” he asked.

“Yes,” she responded a little breathlessly. She could not stop smiling. She thought she must look like the world’s biggest fool but right now, she could care less. She was just so happy. It was just so beautiful.

“And this is only the beginning,” the man said as if reading her mind. “Wait until you try the games.”

“Huh” she asked staring as a teenager walked through a patch of Red Camellia flowers to show his mother a demo model. “Oh well, I’m not one for games. I think I mostly wanted the video stuff. Can you tell me how to take a picture?”

“Sure,” the man said. He asked Jane to look at her apps icon again and then gave her instruction on how to put her camera on the main page. He also had her switch her wallpaper to a customer favorite called, “Cabana”. Clear blue and green water stretched out before her. A sun-weathered deck with rope railings led toward a group of straw huts on stilts in the clear ocean.  People from the waiting room were now sitting on floating porches or hung in hammocks attached to palm trees resting in pots above the water.

“How do I adjust the volume,” she asked and he shocked her by reaching to touch her cheek.

“It’s here,” he explained when he saw her flinch, “just in front of your ear.” His thumb brushed upward gently against the skin just in front of her earlobe. Gooseflesh prickled her arms. She blushed.

Noise slowly entered her world but not as she had ever experienced it before. It didn’t come from her ears but from somewhere inside her head. It was more a knowing feeling.

“Whoa,” she said and the salesman (boy) grinned.

“I know, right? You’ll be surprised how quickly you get used to it.”

It was like having sound telepathy. She sensed she was experiencing the slap of the waves rhythmically drumming on the deck or the whisper of the breeze but she did not receive this information through her ears. A Seagull cried out and Jane’s brain computed, not only the bird’s shriek, but also the distance and direction it came through as well. Yet somehow, she also knew she had not heard it. The information was just there, in her memory, like… “Sound telepathy,” she said aloud this time.

“That’s one way to put it,” he said, “would you excuse me please.” The dealer rushed off toward a couple looking over one of the more expensive implant models like Jane now had. Just then, her husband walked in.

“Well?” Ron raised an eyebrow and grinned. “Am I the greatest husband in the world?”

“Oh my God, Yes. This is the best Birthday gift ever!”   Jane jumped into his arms for a hug.

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One in Six…



Kelsen held her boys hand and watched the elders put the box on the platform. It looked so small to her now. So confined. “How does anyone fit in there?” she thought and yet she had seen children step into the box countless times.  Every three years since she could remember to be exact. The sight of it had never sickened her as much as it did now.

Brayden’s small hand twitched in hers, calling her attention. “Look, there’s daddy,” he said. He pointed a thin arm toward the high fence and the barrier beyond where the men stood. Kelsen squinted her eyes against the sun to scan the crowd of masculinity and thought, “How can it be sunny today of all days?”

Her eyes finally found Brent and they locked together in a single stare of emotion. She shared most of his emotions; fear and sadness, but she could see anger there as well. It was in the stiffness of his shoulders, the way he clenched the barricade’s railing with white knuckles, and his eyes, (oh it was most definitely in his eyes) a rage barely being contained within him. She saw this, acknowledged the bravery of it but then remembered its danger, and hoped he would do nothing. Shame at this wish made her look away from him.

She stood, with all the other women of her village, on the inside of the ring. Holding a small boy who trusted her and waiting with the rest of the cattle to be marked or unmarked. She wanted to run. Brent wanted to run. She had almost given in to him last night as he begged her to run to the burnt out desert.

“You know we can’t make it Brent. Those people never do.”

“You don’t know that,” his voice was a hard chip. Her head rested in its accustomed spot on his shoulder while his hand drug lazily through her hair. There was nothing harsh or threatening in this gesture and yet she could feel the tense stringy muscle of his arm twitching beneath her. It made her neck ache.

“They don’t ever come back.”

“Maybe that’s because they don’t want to. No one knows what’s out there K. Maybe it’s better.”

“Death is out there Brent.” She snapped the covers around her with her arm, and rolled away from him. He did not reach out to her. “Death and radiation and nothing else. You want us to die of thirst with our skin boiling off?”

He was quite for a while and the rolled to face his own wall before saying, “Maybe there is something beyond that. We could try to get past the belt. Even trying would be better than just watching it happen.”

“It might not happen at all,” she whispered. “There have been a lot less cases in the last few years. Besides, he’s a good boy. He doesn’t show any signs of violence.”

“What about the cat,” he asked?

“That was a mistake,” Tears came to her eyes that he would even mention it. “A child’s curiosity. He never meant to hurt it. Are you going to tell me you never pulled the wings off a fly when you were a kid?”

“Of course I did.” Now he sat up and turned back to face her, “I want to pull the wings of a few people today. Does that mean the box was wrong when I was a kid? How can we trust it K? How can YOU trust it?”

She lay silent until he shut off the light and lay back down. After a long moment of silence, he whispered, “My heart can’t take the risk K. We need to run.” There was no conviction in his voice, only a soft pleading like a child asking for Santa to be real when he knows the truth of it deep down. When she heard this, she rolled over to snuggle into his backside wrapping her arm around to his chest. He put his hand over hers and she felt his ragged breath choke out in a silent cry. She kissed the back of his neck and they had cried together in the dark. They both knew that inside the fence, there was a chance. There was at least a chance.

“Momma, can I go say hi to daddy?” Kelsen’s hand instinctively gripped harder on Brayden’s. “Owe,” he said trying to twist out of her grip. She checked herself and relaxed her hand.

“No, you have to stay with me. Remember,” she whispered. “We have to be good today. The best we can be. We have to have happy thoughts and stay good.” When she heard the pleading in her voice she thought, “Be careful Kelsen. He’s so smart, he’s so perceptive. Be careful you don’t get him riled up.” Her stomach cramped and rolled over inside her. She looked around at all the other faces. At the other mothers standing in the center ring of the crowd of women. She sympathized with their worried faces and, at the same time, compared her situation to theirs with aggressive scrutiny.

A young girl of perhaps twelve darted from her mother toward a friend. The mother looked around the crowd nervously as she tried to call the girl back. Kelsen noted it with opposing emotions of enthusiasm and sadness. Another woman a few feet away caught her eye. Her name was Carley or may have been Carol, something with a C, and she had lost two of her five children in the box so far. Kelsen remembered feeling so pitiful for her at the last reaping. Now she found herself hoping the woman might lose a third. She hated her mind for having the idea but did not chastise herself too harshly.

“Not my Brayden,” she thought for the thousandth time, “not my boy.”

She’d heard a statistic once, which she used like a talisman now. “Only one in six,” she silently whispered. “Only one in six has the gene.” She had no idea if it were true but that didn’t stop her from taking inventory of the children she guessed to be examination age. If it were true, she thought the odds might be in her son’s favor.

A moan went through the crowd and Kelsen turned to see one of the elders climb the old wooden steps to the stage. “This year,” he announced, “there will be nineteen children to take the test.” He pulled a square device as ancient as the box itself from one of the large pockets on his robe and placed it on the podium. “When the child’s name is read, they are to come forth immediately. The mother may escort them as far as the stairs but must relinquish custody at that point.”

Kelsen knelt to her only son. She used a finger to turn his face from the elder her with gentle urgency. Other mother’s in the crowd who had heard this speech many times did the same, preparing their children as much as she now prepared hers.

“Remember,” she told him with a smile, “you are a good boy. Keep your thoughts pure. Apples in the fall and your crayons. You love your crayons! Think good, happy thoughts.”

“If I focus on apples do you think I will get a pie this year,” he asked. Her heart skipped.

“You are a good boy. You can get a pie either way so you don’t have to try to trick me.”

A frown creased his brow. “I’m not trying to be tricky momma,” he said and she thought, “I’m making it worse oh why did I say that oh man I’m making him doubt what will it see what will it say oh man I’m making it worse.” She straightened his tiny tie and smoothed back the stubborn cowlick that plagued his hair. She aimed a forced smile at him and prayed it was enough to relieve his anxiety.

“Of course you’re not being tricky.” She said, “I know what a good boy you are and I know you wouldn’t hurt or trick anyone. It’s just that I want the rest of them to know it too. Can you show them for me?”

He still looked solemn but he nodded just the same. She hugged him to her and it took all her will not to squeeze him forever. She let go and only looked toward the stage to hide the tears in her eyes from him.

The elder called out the first name, “Abraham 1”. Sweat broke out on Kelsen’s body and she saw a surge toward the fence as a boy of about seven or eight stepped forward. His mother escorted him to the stairs while the crowd beyond the fence swayed.

The men never stayed behind the barricade the whole time. Eventually the anger and need to protect made one of them step forward. The rest would follow and sooner or later, someone would get pushed into the fence. The electric shock would go through whoever had touched the fence and sometimes, if he were touching others, a group of men might fall to their knees in pain. Reminded of the consequences, the sway would back from the fence until the next aggravation too large to bear brought them forward again. Usually this mutiny didn’t happen until deeper into the selection so when the crowd of menfolk started to move on the first calling, the elder looked up in disdain.

“Remember gentlemen, we are here because we are trying to stop violence not start it.” The forward momentum of the crowd settled but the low rumbles of defiance did not. Abraham had made it to the stairs now and his mother smiled bravely at him, reassuring him. No one really knew how the box determined who had the gene but many, Kelsen included, believed it could be suppressed with the right upbringing. Many assumed that fear or nervousness could bring forth what was otherwise hidden so mothers took great care to restrict these emotions in their children.

“Go on,” the Abraham’s mother urged. Kelsen hoped she could be that brave when her time came.

The boy walked up the steps onto the shaky platform without the help of the two masked guards. He approached the opaque box with confidence, a good sign, and stood in front of it facing the crowd. Someone nearby started to cry. Kelsen couldn’t take her eyes from the boy’s face. “let it be you, don’t let it be you, oh you’re so beautiful but let it be you, don’t let it be mine, not my boy, one in six yes one in six, let you be one in six.”

The elder waved a hand at the boy, who had been on this stage at least once before, and the child backed into the box. Almost immediately, the box began to glow a soft blue (another good sign) and a lid came sliding down. The entire town held its breath waiting to see if the door would slide back up. After less than three seconds it did. Abraham stepped out and the breath the community had been holding released in one giant exhalation. His mother ran to the exit platform on the other side of the stage weeping huge sobs of relief.

“Stop it,” a woman in the front scolded her, “you want to upset the lot of them?”

“Remain at peace dear mother,” the elder spoke to her and then raised his voice once again to the crowd. “Averey 4”

They called the children alphabetically and so it was common for people to name their child in hopes that he or she tested first. Superstition dictated that the odds were in favor of the first child of the year going free. This was highly debated and many declared it false. Stories were exchanged supporting both sides and were argued over. The fact was that no one knew why the box worked, only that it did. That alone seemed the significant point to everyone without a child currently of testing age.

Averey4 came up on the stage to take her turn. She was a tall girl, nearly out of testing age, and she too passed right away. She too met with grateful tears from her mother as she exited stage right. A loud long weeping sound floated from the group outside the fence. The girl’s father had seen her though another reaping.

Three more children went before Brayden’s name was called and, as the box glowed soft blue and the door opened on each one, Kelsen found that her comforting mantra (only one in six) was starting to turn into a curse of damnation. Her internal prayers increased and she began to rock. She couldn’t help it. Her small boy unconsciously rocked along with her. His big eyes stared around unsure.

“Brayden 1,” the old voice registered in her ears and she froze. The crowd looked around and the tension peaked for a moment. The masked men stepped closer to the stairway, prepared to come down. “Brayden 1,” the awful voice called again. “Move damn you don’t make him scared act natural MOVE,” she thought. She got her feet moving. Brayden followed her slightly behind, pulling on her arm. She turned to him and smiled. Her voice cracked and she cursed herself for being weak as she told him, “You’ll do fine honey, just like the other kids.”

Brayden lifted his chin and gave her a smile right back. “Apples and crayons,” he said and Kelsen felt her heart break. She would have said more but her throat had suddenly twisted itself into a tight ball. This was his first reaping. He had no idea what could happen, only that everyone was scared and still, she knew, he was trying to be brave… for her. Sadness washed over her and just as quickly as her pride in him tried flushing it away.

“I love you,” she finally choked out and thought, “how many times has a mother had said those three words to a child over the course of time?” It seemed too inadequate a phrase to have held up over the years. Too simplistic to express the depth of what she felt for him at that moment. She would have handed over her soul to save him without a moments question if she could and yet now all she had to give him was those three words. Civilization should have been able to come up with a new, more expressive language for her to present her son at a time like this. Since it had not, she repeated, “I love you.”

He climbed the steps for the first time by himself. He looked back at her once while being led to the box. In the end, it was his father he sought while standing on that wide stage. The elder waved a hand but Brayden didn’t move until his father raised his palm, standing on his side of the fence, and pushed it out in a step back motion. He was crying. Kelson could see it from here. Brayden recognized the motion, stepped back, and the door slid silently down. The Box didn’t glow.

Kelsen saw in the blink of an eye all that was on the line. She remembered giving him his first bath, washing the visceral from him with a sponge and wondering how she could ever love anyone this much. A thousand still pictures dance across her mind in no order. .

Brayden suckling her breast.

Brayden walking arms outstretched.

Brayden throwing his toy in frustration.

Brayden in the box looking strong and confident, staring at a man he now resembled so much.

Brayden learning to walk.

Brayden laughing.

Brayden trying to tell her a joke and giving the wrong punchline. His smile when she couldn’t stop laughing.

Brayden in the box now searching out her eyes.

Brayden crying and asking her to kiss his tiny foot.

Brayden smiling.

Brayden laughing as she tickled him until he had to pee.

Brayden in the box, fear in his eyes.

The box, why wasn’t it opening?”

Brayden as the man as he was sure to grow up to be.

Brayden in the box. His mouth making the shape of the word mom as he called to her.

Brayden as a husband to a beautiful young girl with honey colored hair. Brayden holding her future grandchild.

Brayden’s hand going to the closed door on the front of the box.

Why is he still in the box? Why is the door still down?”

Brayden looking at her for help, pounding on the door now.

Oh Jesus why is he still in the box? One in six, One in six, oh no not my Brayden.”

Brayden smiling at her from his highchair.

Oh God please open the box!”

Brayden looking at her.

The box, no not my boy, the box, please, one in six, the box, the box, open the box, open the fucking box!”

Kelsen felt her body moving to the stairs. She sensed the masked men’s hands on her shoulders. She pulled against them and somewhere in the distance, she heard Brent scream out, “Noooooo!”

“Brayden, I have to get to Brayden”, she thought. She started up the stairs and the box was suddenly empty. One moment he was there, his eyes locked with hers and the next he was gone. The door was still shut but her son was gone. Her son, whose tiny hand was once so small he could only hold her finger.

A scream was ripping out of the air surrounding her and she realized it was her own. It echoed in her mind. It followed her into the blackness. She saw the empty box where her boy should still be but was not. As she drifted into a darkness that would rescue her mind from the pain of what her heart already knew, she thought, “one in six… Brayden… one in six…”

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Writing Blues

I don’t know why I ever stop writing just because life gets hectic. It’s like saying, “My limbs are really tired from swimming so I guess I will quit heading for shore.”

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My first 100 readers

I achieved a major goal with my book, “No Lifeguard on Duty” this past week. I have had 100 downloads from Amazon. I still can’t believe that 100 people have read or will read something I created. I feel a sense of awe over it. After all…who am I. I am nobody yet somehow I have a voice.

Ok, so we all know my work is not Shakespeare. I don’t think anyone would ever call me profound or consider my little horror stories a major importance to the world of literature. But still, I do feel important. I do feel honored that someone, 100 someone’s, took their time to read something I wrote. It’s baffling and one of the best compliments I have ever received.

100 downloads. 100 people. Wow. Thank You.

Talyn Marie

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Amazing Women

I have posted here before on how special and heroic I think Michelle Knight is. I read her book, “Finding me“, and have seen the Lifetime movie, “A Cleveland Abduction”. I have followed all three girls in the media as well. I don’t know why but I am fascinated with the story of the three surviving girls from the Cleveland Kidnappings. I think it’s because I don’t know how they stayed that brave for so long. I also find it astonishing that no one discovered them sooner. 

I am now in the middle of reading, “Hope- a memoir of survival in Cleveland” and I can’t wait to get back to it. I don’t care about, “the dude” in the story but I feel inspired by the courage and optimism these three girls have shown even after facing over a decade of heartache. I wish the best for them and thank all three for being who they are. Inspiring.

I am linking an old post here as my attempt to put myself in the shoes of all those who have been held captive and lived to tell the tale.

Happy Reading-

Talyn Marie

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Are you new to Amazon?

If you do not own a Kindle you may be under the impression you cannot buy e-books sold by Amazon. This is not true. Anyone with a smart phone can use the following link to download books right to their phone! The best part is its FREE. There are so many places we can stop to take small sips of our library… the airport, waiting rooms, or relaxing at home.

Want to know more? Click here

While your there, check out my new book, “No Lifeguard On Duty- A collection of horrifying short stories

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Good bad habits

I am currently reading the book, “Making Habits, Breaking Habits” by Jeremy Dean.  It’s a pretty interesting book so far and has some pretty universal truths in it about how most of us behave. I have even found myself laughing aloud a couple times. Especially when he describes an action that I do often but wish to deny more than admit, (eating fast food, being lazy, etc), and then describes how most people will deny this more than admit it.

My point to this is one of the habits he breaks down is internet use and the possibility of internet addiction. My version of this habit would be checking my reports page on my new book, “No Lifeguard on Duty”. In Making Habits, Jeremy describes how a mouse who steps on a lever randomly receives a pellet of food. If the mouse steps on the lever three to five times in a row, he may be rewarded with one pellet, he could be rewarded with three pellets or he could hit the jackpot with five pellets. The mouse could also find that on the next three to five steps he gets no pellets. Why would he keep putting so much effort into the lever if this happens? Well, the answer is obvious. He has learned that eventually a pellet will come.

I laughed at this because I too have become obsessed with pushing the internet lever titled, “reports”. I check it, and check it, and check it again. Each time a little bubble of hope floats up to my throat and my hearts freezes its beating, pausing with my breath for the nanosecond it takes to send the message from the screen, to my eyes, and on to my brain. Will I see that tiny Red or Blue dot that will make me soar with gratitude and excitement or not? I am the mouse.

The book cautions against this behavior and, it reasoning’s make perfect sense, but I still can’t seem to help myself. I try to resist and that only re-enforces my urge to peek at my smart phone. It would make an interesting story wouldn’t it? The girl who drove herself insane while trying to validate her existence with a line graph… I can see it now. Maybe I’ll write it. How she can’t get any new work done because all she can think about it how well her last piece was doing.

Yeah, I think I will go write that one, but first… I’ll have just one more look at my reports page.

Happy reading- Talyn Marie

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Newly Released

I am so happy to announce the release of my e-book, ‘No Lifeguard on Duty‘. Out now on Kindle for about the same price as a good cup of coffee.

Want to be scared?

Want to be thrilled?

Want to help boost an authors self-esteem?

Click HERE now!!!!


Happy Reading-Talyn Marie

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Living the dream

As I sit,  pondering the conveyance of events in words and imaginings I heroically bestow upon my ever valued fans, I gently grasp my chalice of steamy pleasure, raise is to my pursed lips, and think to myself…Ahh. I love this cliché!

OK; so maybe I am just drinking a cup of decaf that has not been brewed in an English cafe’. And maybe I’m not quite wearing a yellow sweater over a white collar (It’s an ancient sweatshirt with the Cabela’s logo on the front) but still, I love this fantasy!

You know the one; where I am a famous writer sitting in my sophisticated-ly furnished office (instead of on the couch in the dark), looking out the window at a picturesque landscape, and sipping my ridiculously expensive coffee whose beans have been hand chosen in a country with a population of less than twelve people. My mind is bursting with ideas, all of them able to make the “10 best sellers” list.

I am narcissistic enough to believe this is a commonly shared fantasy among writers and that I have every right to dream it up. It is a beautiful distraction from the question, “what should I write today.” It also allows me to believe, for a brief moment, that I might actually do it someday. You know, be successful. Don’t misunderstand me… I love my Kurig, have no plans on trading my favorite sweatshirt for a knit sweater (no matter how many holes it gets), and I’m pretty sure that a year from now staring off into the magical abyss will still involve looking at toys scattered across my living room floor. I may never make the top ten and would consider myself the luckiest girl in the world to have just a few ideas that stick a year.

The part I hope comes true would be me writing something you want to read. Thanks for making my dreams come true and enjoy…


By Talyn Marie

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